A global affiliate marketing network driven by the belief that passion drives everything, you need to collaborate to inspire, and above all, exceed expectations.
Broadcast, Online, Mobile, Print, Out-of-home
Planning, Buying, Reporting
Indicate your business type and location and see how your ad looks like in real-time.
Whether you’re looking to bring in new website visitors, grow online sales, get the phones ringing or keep customers coming back for more, HengFeng AD can help.
Your business gets found by people on HengFeng AD precisely when they’re searching for the things that you offer.
Target your ads to customers in certain countries, regions or cities — or within a set distance from your business or shop
HengFeng AD lets you manage your campaign by yourself, or call us for free phone support
Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people.
Web Developer
Web Developer